Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It’s Happening Again

Breaking news; a teacher speaking to the press during occupy, what are they occupying anyway? It started out as occupy wall street, but they are really in a park near wall street, and it is now national and it is the same theme everywhere, sleep in a park and don’t shower. So maybe it’s a stink up the public park movement. Interesting side note, here in Utah there are some people camping out in a place called Pioneer Park in Salt Lake City, which is also where a lot of homeless people tend to camp out and they have started complaining to police that they are being denied their park, just found it kind of funny.
Anyway back to this nut job teacher in California, apparently during an interview she stated, and I am paraphrasing, “The Zionist Jew’s that run Wall Street need to be run out of this country”. I don’t even know how to address a statement like that, I mean talk about racist statements, now in all fairness I did hear she got fired, as she should have been, what scares me is what has she been teaching the kids in her class? I would be willing to bet it was more than the three “R’s”. The real shock is that they actually fired her, it that part is true, in Cali I figured they would run her for congress or something.
You know it would be funny it wasn’t so scary, this is not an isolated incident, it is a fairly common theme that we are starting to see across the country. I told you in my last blog that this is how it starts, first they demand “what is rightfully ours” whatever that is, then they take it by force, first they blame a certain segment of society, then they round them up and put them in camps, it has happened before. Look we are already starting to see a wide spread movement that denies the Holocaust, now we are starting to see people blame the Jew’s for all the wrongs in this country, do I sound paranoid to you? I bet I do, but in 1939 they sounded paranoid too.
Look at the protests in Europe, if you think it can’t happen here you are naïve, we are headed down that road if we don’t stand up for our country and our selves. We are a country where individuals have the same rights, where every voice has value, so why is it conservatives are being drowned out, the main street press no longer reports the news, they have taken sides, which by the way fascism, controlling the message. We have an administration that seeks to govern by executive order, that’s ruling by decree, “ruling” not to be confused with governing.
What’s next they come for our guns, because in order to rule you first have to control the message, we know that’s happening, next you have to remove the ability for people to defend themselves, and lastly you have to control the people, we see that happening through big government programs turning our country into a welfare state. When you have done all that you round up the dissenter, that’s when the camps open.
We as a nation are surrendering our individual rights and it needs to stop, conservatives need to make their voices heard, before we lose the right to be heard. Speaking as an American Jew I will not give up my rights, my voice counts and I will make it heard, I will not surrender my rights, or my guns, I will not go quietly to the camps,  the Revolution is now upon us, stand up and be counted, I and those like me will stand with you.          

Monday, October 10, 2011

What is going on in our Country?

So I think I will just ramble here for a little while, I am not sure what I want to say but I do want to talk a little about this whole occupy Wall Street; where to start. Ok it seems to me there are a lot of people down there that are to say the least, confused.
I guess the intent is to not shower and sleep in the park until they get what is rightfully theirs, although they can’t tell you what that is or how to get there, now the guy they got on film taking a dump on a cop car? What’s that all about? Guess he is demonstrating for public deification.
Here is what I find funny, every time some lib comes on TV lately they go on and on about how this is just young people getting together to voice their anger over the direction of the country, huh, aren’t they in the wrong city? They compare this movement with the Tea Party Movement, really, so let me see if I have this right, the Tea Party movement is not extreme anymore?  
They are mad about the big corporate and bank bail outs, they don’t like the current relationship between corporate America and the Government, well hell me too, so are they all conservatives? I am so confused.
Here is what I don’t understand; they keep talking about how huge this movement is, I mean there is almost 1000 people down there in whatever that park is, wow, 1000 in a city of 10,000,000, oh yea and they keep interviewing people that traveled there from other states, really in a city that big they had to import people from out of state just to reach that number.
Here is what I think, who cares what these hippy wanna-bees have to say, they have no message or plan on how to fix things, just leave them be, when the first snow falls in New York City they will go home and that will be that, except for the garbage and funk they will no doubt leave behind that the NY tax payers will have to pick up the tab on.
Ok now the scary stuff;  I was watching the news coverage the other day (not surprising when you consider I am a news junky) and here is some guy going on and on about how everything wrong with this Country is the fault of the Jew’s, how the government sends all our money to Israel. You know that is not the first time we have heard that kind of talk, the last time was back in 1939. Then I read an article about some well known Lib telling teenage homosexuals that if their parents don’t except them or recognize their homosexuality then they need to kill them, so who said that first you may ask? Well let me help you out, it was said by Charles Manson back in the 60’s.
So am I being paranoid? No I am not, we currently live in a country where the President promotes class warfare, where Lib’s hide behind what is really fascism they just give it softer names, what is it when Christianity is not protected by the same free speech as Atheists.
Who would have thought a few years ago we would be where we are today in this country, I would not have, people would talk about our great country slipping into civil war, I would have told you, not in this country, but now I am not so sure. So here is what I am telling you, get ready, don’t wait start now, start storing food, and water, get a generator and keep gas on hand to run it, and if you are like me guns and ammo, why, because I am a Jew, and proud of it, not too long ago they came in the night and took my people off to camps. So when they come next time I intend to be ready, I will not be denied my freedom, I will not go willingly in the night, I will fight back, when they find my body it will be surrounded by the bodies of those who came to deny me my freedom. Am I paranoid? Maybe; but better to stand up and be counted then to be herded like sheep to slaughter.
As always do not be afraid to let your voice be heard, because as long as you stand for freedom I will stand with you.