Monday, March 28, 2011
Liberal Hypocrisy
Little known fact, my official retirement date from the Army is September 1, 2001. Ten days latter scum bag Muslim Extremists attacked our country and a lot of my friends went to war because of it, not all returned. I tried to go back into the Army but once your retirement is final there is no going back. My desire to return was not because I like war (I have been to war, I have no illusions about it) but because I love my country, and more important, I loved my brothers who were about to go back and felt my place was with them. What does this have to do with the title, nothing, I just wanted to give you some perspective on where I am coming from, so let’s get to it shall we. In 2001 or country was attacked, we all know that or should, our president at the time took his case to congress, they had all the same documentation that the president had and came to the same conclusion, Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and presented a clear and present danger to the US of A. Most of them voted for war. That includes Pelosi, Reed, Biden, and the late king of hypocrisy Kennedy, and when the war became unpopular the liberal media crucified President Bush. We also heard things like before I voted for it I voted against it, or we assumed he had an exit strategy. I can tell you what an exit strategy is win the damn thing then walk away with your head held high. We have now “invaded” another country, Libya for those of you who do not watch the news. And no permission was given by the congress. Ok civics lesson, according the constitution of the United States of America, (that’s us) Congress is a separate but co-equal branch of government and only congress can authorize the war powers act, but this president did not go to congress, he went to the UN, France, and the Arab League of Nations. But wait I don’t remember seeing any of those names printed in the Constitution, so why isn’t the press all over this, well hell read the title. During the height of the Iraq war when we were paying $4.00 dollars a gallon for gas the liberal media was calling for the head of then President Bush, “he is in bed with the oil companies they all shouted”, “we have to become independent of foreign oil”. Well here we are again, only now the current president says “go green” no more foreign oil, we need wind, solar, and hell who knows what else, oh I know, we can hook our power up to tread mills, out in our organic gardens (that one’s for you Michele) and we could run on it for part of the day to charge batteries that will provide power while we harvest our organic supper. Well if that is who he is then fine, but then tell my why he just offered to help set up drilling off the coast of Brazil, can’t be, you say, oh yea I say. So here is where he stands, he shuts down production in the US, pays for it in Brazil, then tells us we need independence from foreign oil. Do you know in which country the largest deposits of crude oil and natural gas can be found? Well if you said the US then bingo. So again where is the liberal media on this one, well you know. The fact is everything this clown does he gets a pass on, because he is the one they chose to lead us into the Promised Land, and they can’t admit they made a mistake, because to do that would require them to acknowledge that Bush was not as bad as they made him out to be. I am not going to sit here and tell you I have a problem with the invasion of Libya; yes dear readers no matter how they spin it, or whether or not they put boots on the ground, Libya is a solvent nation and we and the other members of the coalition invaded it. But as I stated I am ok with that, my problem is this, don’t serve me hotdogs and try to convince me I am eating steak, just tell me what you are doing, I know what you are thinking what the heck is Rick Rambling on about now (shameless plug for my blog name). OK I will break it down, we “say” we went in to establish a no fly zone to prevent the slaughter of Libyan people by the national air force, then why are we bombing Infantry and Armor units. Here are the facts when crazy guy Kaddafi used his air force he was pounding back the rebel forces, now the rebel’s are using the coalition air power to lead the fight and they are pounding back the Libyan army, we are using them as our boots on the ground. Again I am ok with that, but just say that, tell the truth and let the voters decide, take a stand. One more thing, we know that per-capita Libya sent more people to kill Americans in Iraq than any other country in the Middle East, so shouldn’t we at least be sure we are supporting a rebellion that may be of benefit to us, I mean are we protecting people that have murdered American heroes? One last thought; by our illustrious presidents reasoning on why we are in Libya are we also going into Syria, and what about Darfur, they have been eradicating Christians there for years and we do nothing about it and the press never mentions it; hypocrisy, I say yes. Oh yea, could someone ask Obocrsy when we are going to Yemen, I almost forgot that one.
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