Sunday, December 11, 2011
Have you Noticed
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
It’s Happening Again
Monday, October 10, 2011
What is going on in our Country?
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
America the used to be
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Whatever happened to the Libyan War?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Conservatives need to wake up
Friday, May 6, 2011
Revolution; dare I say it.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Make history or Repeat it?
Now we can debate the logic of going into Iraqi and Afghanistan and I think that’s fair, personally I supported the decision, but you have a right to your own opinion.
Here is what you can’t debate; whether or not it was legal, when then President Bush followed the Constitution and pled his case to Congress, and Congress gave their blessing, and yes that includes Pelosi, Reed and the rest of that hypocritical crowd, so he is not a war criminal, that argument holds no water, again you can debate the right and wrong of it but not the legality. Now let’s fast forward to now, Mr. Obama to this date has still not appeared before Congress to my knowledge, so is this war legal, I say no, at least not according to the U.S. Constitution. But why would they let a little thing like the laws of our nation stand in their way, I mean they never have before.
Yes, yes I know we are not at war, we are supporting the UN and NATO defending a no fly zone, which would explain why we are bombing infantry and armored columns on the ground, you can kid yourself if you want to, but Mr. Obama has taken us to war and that’s a fact.
And where is the media on this, silent, could that be because when the man they have been protecting all this time is the one guilty of illegally taking us to war, could you imagine what would happen if Bush was still President, he would be crucified.
This is just more evidence of how the media is not trying to report the news but they are trying to fundamentally change our country as we know it. Yes boy’s and girl’s they have taken sides, it is no longer about giving the story to the American people, who have a right to know, it is about feeding an agenda and giving the poor uneducated, average citizen what he needs to have so he comes, only to the right conclusion, not to be confused with giving the facts so a well informed public can decided for itself.
If you think about it, it’s almost like we are not smart enough to hear the truth and come to a decision on our own, well not kind of it is exactly like that, and if you are not insulted you should be.
How many people have died in Libya since the bombing campaign started? How many noncombatants got caught up in, and killed by the fighting? Had this been Bush’s Iraq we would have the answers to that how come we don’t have them now.
In 1939 the fascist party in Germany; after years of information propaganda, emerged as the Nazi Party, they convinced the world that they just wanted to return Germany to the once great nation it was and had a right to extend its borders back to where they were when it was the Prussian Nation, so all of Europe and the world stood by as they pushed into Poland, and the Netherlands. After all it was a European problem. By the time the world figured it out, it was almost too late. Countries were in- slaved and some ten million people were marched to their death.
A very wise man by the name of George Santayana once said; those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it. Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them. see here is the secret that no one wants to tell you, there is only one truth, there is no grey area, no maybe his truth is not your truth, I actually heard that one used in a debate, “maybe your truth is not his truth so the conclusion is not the same” can you believe it. Look the truth is this, it is what it is and it stands on its own, that’s it.
I don’t want to sound like a dooms day or the end is near kind of guy; but the truth is we a closer than most of us know, we have to start making the hard choices and get this nation of ours back on course, do you really think that a year a ago countries like Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and others would have predicted what is going on there now…. If I had to guess I would say no. what makes it so hard to believe that it could not happen here?
Bottom line; I will not march quietly into the chamber, I will not cower in the dark and pretend I do not see what is going on all around me, and I will not stand by and allow the constitution to be trampled on by power hungry self serving politicians, I will make noise, I will be heard, I will tell the truth to all that will listen, I will not be fooled by lies and half truths. Because I am an American and we are the greatest nation in the history of the world. We should act like it……
Monday, March 28, 2011
Liberal Hypocrisy
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
What would FDR do????
Jim DeMint (R-SC) says there should be no collective bargaining for government employees, wow, very bold stand, and I say bravo Jim. Yea I know what some of your thinking. “We need to protect the American worker” “how could you be against the worker” “you are a racist, intolerant, homo-fobe” (that last one is the liberal go too) everyone that disagrees with them gets that title, just trust me on this one.
Ok before you get your knickers in a bunch let me tell you why I agree with Mr. DeMint. First and foremost there is a big difference between private sector unions and public sector unions. First and this is big; when private sector unions come to the table to collectively bargain for their members there are a lot of things they must consider, not all of it has to do with the membership, for one thing they are bound to help keep a company solvent, why? Because if the company goes under then all the negotiation in the world won’t help the employees, makes sense, right?
So there is a lot of incentive to do what is best for the employee while making concessions that also benefit the company, here in reality world we call that a win, win.
Ok let me hit the pause button here for a sec, I know some of you are thinking that I am just pro business and don’t care about the common worker, well you’re wrong, I like to think I am a common worker, yes I make a good wage, but it did not happen overnight, I worked hard for 20 years in the Army, then I worked hard at my own business, now I work hard as a safety professional, I will be 50 this year and I got to where I am because I worked hard,(are you catching the theme here) nothing was ever handed to me, nor have I ever asked for anything but the chance to prove myself. Look; I think anyone doing a fair job should be paid a fair wage, and I don’t begrudge anyone for working their way into the millionaire ranks, I do really, really, really wish I could join them. (Another theme there did you catch it?) Anyway where was I, oh yea, fair wage for fair work, I do believe that the market place should dictate what that wage should be, you see, and try to stay with me, when you work you are selling your labor, the more you are worth the more you’ll make, in addition there is this thing called, supply and demand, which allows market place to dictate what a job is worth, more demand, higher pay, sounds simple to me.
Now back to collective bargaining; I am not against it, I have no problem when employees get together nominate a representative to collectively bargain on their behalf, but keep it centralized within your own company, why does it have to be an outsider or a corporate size union doing it? Just look at the auto industry and what the UAW has done, they have collective bargained factories out of union states and into right to work states, no unions there just fair wages for fair work, or worse, out of the country. Does anyone not find it ironic that foreign car manufactures are setting up shop in southern “right to work” states, while American car makers are moving operations to Canada and Brazil. And let me ask you this; if being in a union is such a great deal then why does it have to be mandatory, I mean if it is sooooo good wouldn’t everyone want to join.
So back to public sector unions; what do I have a problem with, just this, they do not have to do what is best for the worker and the company, why pray tell, because it is taxpayer money, it has no bottom, it won’t run dry, well maybe not. It is one thing when you negotiate with a company that deals in profit and loss, it is another when you negotiate with taxpayer dollars, that is not subject to profit and loss, you just continue to drain those in the private sector, and taxes go up, and fewer jobs are created and, well you know the rest just look around at what’s going on in our country.
You know I think it’s great how Dem’s and Liberals love to bloviate on the greatest Democratic President of the 20th century “FDR” sometimes referd to as the Paton Saint of the American Labor movement, I wonder what he would have to say about public sector unions, oh wait, I have it right here. "...
Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relationships and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the government. All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations ... The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for ... officials ... to bind the employer ... The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives ...
"Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of government employees. Upon employees in the federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people ... This obligation is paramount ... A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent ... to prevent or obstruct ... Government ... Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government ... is unthinkable and intolerable."
Wow that just about says it all, does it not? So before we run out into the streets with our grass roots movement supported by corporate money provided by George Soros let’s read, and dare I say, heed the words of the great one, yea I am gloating just a little, why? Because what argument are you going to use now……..
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Can you Hear the Silence
Why is it whenever a conservative says something “provocative” or controversial the liberals all run around screaming the sky is falling? But when a liberal says something insensitive and dare I say it, ignorant the silence in deafening.
Ok Rick (that’s what I call myself; Rick) what are you rambling on about now, well let me give you just a couple of examples.
At a Code Pink Rally demonstrators say on TV they would like to see Justice Clarence Thomas impeached and sent back to the fields. Well wait a minute is that not a Racist statement, noooo not if you’re a liberal, some of the other comments were hang him and his wife, and oh yea, let’s not forget send Justice Scalia back to Sicily, wait a minute is that not a Racist statement, that’s right I forgot, not if you are a liberal.
And as you could imagine the silence is deafening from the left, we did get guys like the esteemed Reverend Jessie Jackson, you remember him he is the God fearing man the 20 kids from 20 women that he won’t even clam, what a pillar, calling into radio stations and doing the whole tap dance, you know these are fringe elements these are not reprehensive of the movement. Well that’s a lie, the truth is if you so much as disagree with the policies of Obama you are a racist. No not true it just makes you better educated and informed the 90% on the left.
Ok next example of the tolerant left; on the 11th of Feb. a CBS reporter is in Egypt covering the celebration in Tahrir Square after Egyptian President Mubarak stepped down, she was attacked and sexually assaulted, repeatedly by a large crowd, described as an unsavory element within the crowd, really? Well let’s not be too harsh in our description of these scum sucking animals. Wait it gets more disgusting. A very liberal Professor at NYU tweets after hearing the news "Jesus Christ, at a moment when she is going to become a martyr and glorified we should at least remember her role as a major war monger," Apparently she had made statements in support of Gen. McChrystal after the Rolling Stones article that cost him his job, well hell then she deserved it right?
The fact is this young lady’s life was destroyed, she could have lost her life, she was brutalized, but MR NYU Liberal could care a less because she has a different ideology, and don’t kid yourself this is not the fringe this is mainstream liberal ideology.
It’s all agenda driven, Bush is a war monger and a war criminal, Obama sends drones into Pakistan and nothing. Bush is in bed with the oil companies, the gas prices are now over 3 bucks a gallon and nothing. Bush gives illegal no bid contracts to Halliburton, Obama names Jeff Imelt to his economics commission, (the CEO of GE) a company that out sources 60 percent of its production, and is currently acquiring oil and gas companies, and guess what, that’s right, nothing.
Don’t kid yourself there is a War going on in this country, here is what it comes down to, freedom, or one party socialist rule, here is what you arm yourself with, knowledge, left wing ideology cannot survive the truth.
Friday, January 21, 2011
You know what really burns my rear (other than a flame about 3 ft tall) sorry could not help myself, and what the hell it is my blog. Anyway; what really burns me is how Mr. Obama can stand up and give a great speech in Arizona and absolutely no one on the left listens.
Yes that is correct I did give some credit to the President, but you have to give credit where credit is due, do I believe he meant it. No, I do not, I did, when he spoke I was impressed but the very next day members of his party were right back at it, attacking conservatives and trying to shut them up. Ask yourself this question, why are they so afraid of people like Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Glenn Beck and Sara Palin. We hear all the time from the left how stupid they are how irrelevant they are, after all they are not real journalists like Bill Maher, sorry couldn’t help myself.
Anyway my point is if they are so irrelevant then why not ignore them? You know like NPR, PBR, ABC, CNN and CSNBC are ignored. Sorry went there again didn’t I. well if the polls are any indication of the truth then FOX NEWS is clearly reaching more people, that’s what really scares them, and since the numbers continue to grow then we have to assume that mainstream America is moving more to the right of center, well that’s not true, we have always been a right of center country, the difference is now we are ignoring the 15% minority that always screams the loudest, or as I like to refer to them as the wacked out minority, but that’s just me.
So getting back to where I started before I started to ramble, those of you who know me will understand. The president gave a great speech, he said things like “we need more civility in our discourse” “as a country it is a time to heal” “this was the act of a single deranged person”, I may have paraphrased there a little but you get the idea, and the point of it all is this, it was not 24 hours before left wing nut jobs, some of them elected officials, came out and started throwing bombs at all their favorite targets. One Democratic Leader compared Republicans to the Nazi Party; the message was we are lying to the American people much the way Nazi’s lied about Jew’s, laying the ground work for the holocaust. Really, I mean really. You want to take a wild shot at how many in the mainstream media called him out on that, you got it zero.
This one is kind of sad; one of the Tucson Az. Victims, a 62 year old man who was shot in the leg, with a history of lift wing bomb throwing, after being released from the hospital was, of course, swarmed over by the left wing media, and held up as an example of the great liberal America, was arrested and committed for mental health evaluation after attending an ABC sponsored event, also at the event was a Sr. Tea Party organizer, he held up a picture of the gentleman and told him he is “dead”, civil enough for you. Oh but that’s not all, in a prior interview he made the statement, and I am paraphrasing again, he would like to make necklaces of I believe it was Sara Palin’s, Rush Limbaugh’s, and Dick Cheney’s ears.
Wow that is one tolerant man, the point is you may be hearing this for the first time, because ABC did not report on it, even though it was an event sponsored by them, as a matter of fact no one, with the exception of FOX NEWS, and the Washington Post reported on the story, gee I wonder why. Ask yourself this, if Sara Palin would have given an interview with some small town news agency in Alaska and said something like, oh I don’t know, the only good Liberal progressive is a dead liberal progressive, my sentiment not hers. How many news agencies do you think would run it as a lead story? My guess all of them.
I have rambled on and on just to get to this point, where is the Great Unite’r in all this, why is Mr. Obama not making clear to his party that he wants more civil discourse in day to day politics, and don’t kid yourself if he says it, it will happen, the truth is he did not mean a damn word of what he said in Arizona, he wants the right demonized, why you ask, because it is not about what is good for America, it is about winning in 2012, and keeping power, and it is not unique to the Dem’s but it really is about money and power, and as long as the American people stand for it, it will continue. You want more civil discourse? Then demand it, turn away from left and right bomb throwers, we need to demand that issues are debated and turn away from the intentional distracters. That is how everyone wins. Truth will set you free.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Never Waste an Opportunity
From all the reports I have heard this guy was his own kind of whack job, his favorite book listed on his my space account was the communist manifesto, don’t think that makes him very conservative, but on the other hand he apparently had no trust in the government, didn’t want open borders, and was mad about people in his district for not being well educated, not sure where he was going with that. The point I am trying to make is this guy was just what he is, a very deranged person. And really back when Sara Palin used bull’s-eyes to identify the democratic seats that were being targeted did anyone really look at that and say, “Look she is advocating violence”. If they did I would submit to you that they were also a little off.
Here is what angers me the most about this whole tragedy, six people have lost their lives, one of them an innocent nine year old girl, and the New York Times is professing a link between Tea Party members, and conservatives in general, that fail to support the current administration with not only advocating violence, but insinuating that conservatives have incited the events that have occurred. I say again Wow, how low you can get, this is despicable and if you don’t see it you are blind, this is not reporting the news this is pushing an agenda. It’s almost like some deranged person saying “man this is horrible; lucky for us we can use it”.
Whatever happened to honest and vigorous debate in our country, it is after all what the founding fathers intended. That is why we have a two party system, because it allows for compromise and the benefactors of that are generally the American people. And that’s good. So when did we become so one sighted that we see every tragedy as an opportunity to push forward our agenda. Please could we just morn for the lives of those lost, could we first grieve before we blame.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Grass Roots or Extremist
About that, we are going to hear a lot of left wing pundits over this next year talk about republicans and conservatives, (no the two are not necessarily the same) scream about the republican party’s unwillingness to compromise, or accuse them of being the party of no. this is a distraction aimed at regaining power, they did it during the lame duck session, why? Because they counted on the fact that while the American people knew the election results they would forget that the Dem’s still held the majority. So it was not the republicans they could not bring to the table, it was their own party, but they couldn’t say that now could they.
Tea Party; I would describe the movement as advocates for fiscal responsibility, smaller government, free market principles and conservative values. However if you talk to someone on the left they are an extreme special interest organization controlled by some large, rich white organization that no one can name. Why is it if you are a liberal movement you are grass roots, but if you are conservative you are controlled by the evil white empire. Yea baby; because Media Matters is not supported or controlled by a guy named George Soros, he does not providing millions in funding for NPR, you remember them, (National Propaganda Radio) and Code Pink is strictly a grass roots operation, yea right.
So the rule is this, if you are white and have a job, you have no voice on the direction of this country, I mean where do you get off expecting everyone to earn their own way, and demanding a government that supports sound economic policies, I mean how dare you, you extremist! Don’t you know in order to be a grass roots American, “and you don’t have to be an American”, you have to be a minority and looking for a hand out, then you are the real deal, yes I know that last statement will offend some, I just don’t care, let me tell you why. Today I saw a picture on the internet of a Hispanic (don’t know if he was legal or not) carrying a sign that read “ America we want more money, free housing and cars, you owe us and we will keep killing Arizona border agents until we get it”. I don’t even know what to say to that, but if he is grass roots and I am an extremist, then ok, that’s what I am, because I don’t want to be him.
So the moral of today’s blog is this; over the next year or two the Liberals are going to accuse conservatives of everything from immoral behavior to being out of touch with Americans, they will talk about anything but the truth, which is that pillars of the country like Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid are the reason we are in the mess we are in, let’s not forget that a year before the Dem’s took power consumer confidence was at a 25 year high and unemployment was 4% nationally, and Dem’s were still running around talking about how bad the economy was. That was so they could take power, well they have had to for 4 years and we see the result. So let me just ask you this. If George Bush was still the President do you think we would talk more about the current price of gas?